control/commandloop Create an interactive command loop. control/loop Higher-performance for-style loop. debug/cmdtrace Trace Tcl execution. debug/edprocs Edit named procs, or all procs. debug/memory display and debug memory problems debug/profile Collect Tcl script performance profile data. debug/profrep Generate a report from data collect from the profile command. debug/saveprocs Save named procs to a file, or all procs. files/chgrp Change file group. files/chmod Set file permissions. files/chown Change file owner and/or group. files/copyfile Copy the remainder of one open file into another. files/dup Duplicate an open filehandle. files/echo Echo one or more strings to stdout, followed by a newline. files/fcntl Get or set file access options for an open file. files/flock Lock all or part of a file. files/for_file Do a foreach-style loop on each line in a file. files/for_recursive_glob Perform a foreach-style loop for all globbed files and directories. files/fstat Obtain status information about an open file. files/funlock Remove a lock from part or all of a file. files/lgets Read a list for a file, handles embedded newlines. files/link Create a link to a file. files/mkdir Create a new directory files/pipe Create a pipe. files/read_file Read in a file to a string. files/recursive_glob Do filename globbing, recursively descending all matched directories. files/rmdir Remove directories files/select Synchronous I/O multiplexing. files/unlink Delete (unlink) files. files/write_file Write strings out to a file. filescan/scancontext Manage file scan contexts. filescan/scanfile Scan a file, executing match code when their patterns are matched. filescan/scanmatch Specify tcl code to execute when scanfile pattern is matched. help Tcl shell help facility. internation/catclose Close a message catalog. internation/catgets Retrieve a message from a message catalog. internation/catopen Open a message catalog. intro/keyedlists Introduction to keyed lists keyedlists/keyldel Delete a field of a keyed list. keyedlists/keylget Get the value of a field of a keyed list. keyedlists/keylkeys Get the keys in a keyed list. keyedlists/keylset Set the value of a field of a keyed list. libraries/autoload Autoloading of commands. libraries/autoprocs List names of autoload and package library procs. libraries/buildpackageindex Build an index to a package library. libraries/convert_lib Convert an Ousterhout style tclIndex file to a package library. libraries/demand_load Force an autoload proc or a package to be loaded. libraries/load Search the TCLPATH for a file to source. libraries/loadlibindex Load the index of a package library libraries/packagelib Tcl shell package libraries. libraries/packages List all known packages. libraries/utilprocs Search a path list for a file. lists/assign_fields Assign successive elements in a list to specified variables. lists/intersect Return a list containing every element present in both lists. lists/intersect3 Return three lists from an intersection of two lists. lists/lempty Determine if a list is empty. lists/lrmdups Given a list, remove all of the duplicated elements. lists/lvarcat Concatenate the contents lists or strings into a variable lists/lvarpop Pop or replace the specified element from a list. lists/lvarpush Push or insert the an element into a list. lists/union Return the logical union of two lists. math/acos Return the arccosine of a number. math/asin Return the arcsin of a number. math/atan Return the arctangent of a number.. math/ceil Return the smallest integer not less than a floating point number. math/cos Return the cosine of a number. math/cosh Return the hyperbolic cosine of a number. math/exp Return e to the power of a number. math/fabs Return the absolute value of the floating point number. math/floor Return the largest integer not greater than a floating point number. math/fmod Perform a floating point modulus operation. math/log Return the natural logarithm of a number. math/log10 Return the logarithm base 10 of a number. math/max Return the argument that has the highest numeric value. math/min Return the argument that has the lowest numeric value. math/pow Return a number to the power of another number. math/random Return a pseudorandom integer or set the seed. math/sin Return the sin of a number. math/sinh Return the hyperbolic sin of a number. math/sqrt Return the square root of a number. math/tan Return the tangent of a number. math/tanh Return the hyperbolic tangent of a number. processes/execl Perform a process exec, executing a file. processes/fork Fork the current Tcl process. processes/kill Send a signal to the specified process. processes/system Execute command via `system' call. processes/wait Wait for a child process to terminate. signals/signal Specify action to take when a signal is received. status/dirs List the directories in the directory stack. status/id Access, set or convert process, user and group information. status/infox Return information about Extended Tcl, or the current application. status/popd Pop a directory from a stack of directories and cd to it. status/pushd Push a directory to a stack of directories. status/showproc List the definition of the named procedure. status/showprocs List the definition of the named, or all, procedures. status/umask Get or set the file-creation mode mask. strings/cindex Return indexed character from string. strings/clength Return length of specified string. strings/crange Return range of characters from string. strings/csubstr Return a substring from within a string. strings/ctype Determine if a string has various characteristics. strings/replicate Replicate string a number of times. strings/translit Translate characters in a string according to patterns. tclshell/initialize Tcl shell initialization sequence. tclshell/intro Introduction to the tcl shell. tclshell/tclinit Tcl shell initialization file. tclshell/variables Tcl shell variables. time/alarm Set a process alarm clock. time/convertclock Parse and convert a date and time string to integer clock value. time/fmtclock Convert an integer time value to human-readable format. time/getclock Return current date and time as an integer value. time/sleep Sleep for the specified number of seconds. time/times Get process and child execution times. variables/for_array_keys Do a foreach-style loop on each key in an array.