control/break Exit the current loop. control/case Select code block to execute base on matching a string against a pattern. control/catch Trap errors while executing a command. control/continue Continue execution of the next iteration of a loop. control/error Return an error. control/errorCode Variable holding symbolic error information. control/errorInfo Variable holding stack trace of an error. control/eval Command to evaluate strings as Tcl code. control/exit Terminate the current process. control/for Loop control command. control/foreach Loop on each element of a list. control/if Conditional command execution based on evaluating an expression. control/proc Define a Tcl procedure. control/rename Rename or delete a command or procedure. control/return Exit the current procedure, optionally returning a value. control/source Read and evaluate a file of Tcl code. control/uplevel Execute a command in another environment up the procedure call stack. control/while Loop while an expression is true. files/close Close an open file or pipeline. files/eof Test for end-of-file. files/file Return status information about an file name, including parsing the name. files/flush Flush a file buffer. files/gets Read a line from a file. files/glob Perform file name globbing. files/open Open a file or pipeline. files/puts Write a string to a file. files/read Read bytes from a file. files/seek Change the access position of a file. files/tell Return the current access position of a file. intro/backslash Tcl backslash substitution. intro/braces Grouping arguments with braces. intro/brackets Command substitution with brackets. intro/built-in-vars Standard built-in Tcl variables. intro/comments Inserting comments in Tcl code. intro/data_types Tcl data types. intro/dollar Variable Substitution With $. intro/double_quotes Grouping arguments with double-quotes. intro/expressions Tcl expressions. intro/procedures Tcl procedures. intro/regexps Regular expressions. intro/results Results of a command execution. intro/semi-colons Separating commands with semi-colons. intro/syntax Basic Tcl command syntax. intro/variables Tcl variables and arrays. libraries/unknown Unknown command trap handler. lists/concat Concatenates lists into a single list. lists/join Join elements of a list into a string. lists/lappend Append elements to an array variable. lists/lindex Extract an element of a list. lists/linsert Insert an new element in a list. lists/list Generate a list. lists/llength Return the number of elements in a list. lists/lrange Extract a range of elements from a list. lists/lreplace Replace elements of a list. lists/lsearch Search a list for a pattern. lists/lsort Sort the elements of a list. lists/split Split a string into a list of elements. math/expr Evaluate an expression. math/incr Increment a variable. processes/exec Run a Unix process. status/cd Change the current working directory. status/history Redo or list previously executed interactive commands. status/info Provide state information on the Tcl interpreter. status/pwd Return the current working directory. strings/append Append strings to a variable. strings/format Generate a formated string using a format specification. strings/regexp Match a string against a regular expression. strings/regsub Match a string against a regular expression and perform substitution on it. strings/scan Parse a string based on a format specification. strings/string Perform operations on a string. time/time Return the execution time for a Tcl command. variables/array Return information about an array variable. variables/env Variable for accessing the program's environment. variables/global Declare a variable as global. variables/set Return or set the value of a variable. variables/trace Trace access to variables. variables/unset Delete a variable or array element. variables/upvar Bind a variable to another variable up the procedure call stack.